Videos: Ecuador

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Fabulous free concert in Loja and exhausting hike in PN Podocarpus.

Fantastic Christmas parade in Cuenca!

Enjoy the Ecuadorian Andes

Super rubbish system! And great views of the city.

Amazing cemetery in Tulcán & Fantastic church in Las Lajas.

Swimming under the waterfalls. Cute Black-mantled tamarin monkeys.

Bitten by a dog in paradise. Super campground in the cloud forest.

Spectacular waterfall with an amazing night show.

Adventure parks & interesting drive through the national park.

The indigenous Sunday markets in Gualaceo and Sigsig are well worth a visit.

Sightseeing, Christmas and New Year in Cuenca.

Great detour from the Pan-American Highway.

Very interesting tour at the equator.

Great hikes. Over the mountains to some thermal pools.

Fantastic 30 hour trip into the jungle of Ecuador.

Fantastic week in the jungle near Tena with lots of interesting tours.

Time to splurge! Great food, thermal pools, massages ...

Fantastic cloud forest with lots of birds. Nighttour with insects and bats.