29.03. - 31.03.2002: Pucon

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Friday, 29.03.2002: Pucon

Got up at 6am and met at Sol Y Nieve (the adventure company) at 7am. The weather was sunny and we got equipped with boots, crampons, waterproofs, ice picks and rucksacks for the volcano walk.

We were climbing up the Villarica volcano in extremely difficult conditions (visibility virtually nil, climbing through snow and ice, in a snow storm and dangerously windy, not to mention coughing our guts up because we inhaled sulphur fumes!!!).

Plus after all that effort - 4 hours of steep uphill walking - the guides started telling us all we had to turn round!! What we didn't realise was that we were already at the crater and had we taken a few more steps would have fallen in. Of course we couldn't see a thing!!! However on the way down we slid down on our bums in runs that were made by the guides!! Great fun but exhausting.

Hiking Villarica volcano

Saturday, 30.03.2002: Pucon

Had a free day today and decided to have a lie-in.

Villarica volcano the next day when Famoo was hiking it.

Went for a yummy breakfast to the Patagonia restaurant, sorted our washing out and went on a boat trip across the lake. It was a nice sunny day and we got a shot of the volcano at sunset.

For dinner we went out with a few people to a nice Italian restaurant.

Sunday, 31.03.2002: Pucon

It was Easter Sunday and a small group went white-water rafting - humongous fun! It was a grade 4. Kirsten went with the photographer to take video and photos.

Great rafting trip in Pucon

In the afternoon we had to get ready for the fancy dress party and reveal to each other who we were dressing and dress them up - 26 dressed up people in costumes ranging from a nun to Zorro and needless to say, virtually all the men were in drag!!!

Preparing the Easter costumes

Dressing up for the Easter party

Yet again another town has never seen anything like it because we were forced to follow cryptic clues devised by Prue and parade through the town in costume!!!

Easter party - Pucon will never be the same!

We had a big party all night. Everyone was sponsoring people to get bald heads with a letter of "K-I-N-D-A" on them. We raised 60.000 Chilien Pesos, which were delivered to a local church the next morning.