12.05. - 14.05.2002: Punta Sal

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Sunday, 12.05.2002: Bush camp - Punta Sal

We left at 7-30am and continued to a beach camp at Punta Sal - the last camping of the trip! Kirsten and Helen took one look at the place, which had 5 truck loads of people there, all camping on the beach in the searing heat, and decided to find a hotel!

So we had 3 nights in a lovely quiet hotel with air conditioning, fresh water shower, a pool and relaxed!! It was just across the road and cost us only 6US$ more than the camping fee including a yummy breakfast with fresh juice and eggs!

We joined the group at the beach bar and watched Prue and the others sitting in the water on plastic chairs. Every time a wave crushed on them they were trying to jump on the seats - holding up their beers - and surf the wave. They also had a mud fight and one giant wave took them all out - 3 chairs were broken!

While preparing the BBQ we were watching the fantastic sunset. After dinner it got fairly quiet. Too many drinks during the day! We were watching crabs crawling onto one of the hot grills - suicide!

Most people had gone to bed early as they were going fishing the next morning at 6am. Apparently Peter, Lisa, Bridget, Jason and Graham all went skinny dipping and got their clothes nicked! Peter and Lisa roaming around naked for ages and Jason found a hat and proudly walked round with that on his dick all night!

Monday, 13.05.2002: Punta Sal

We got up at 9am and enjoyed our lovely hotel breakfast on the shady open terrace on the top floor overlooking the beach. It was another hot and sunny day - about 35°C. The others had to leave their tents at around 5-30am because it was getting boiling hot in them already. A few went fishing along with the Famoo people and caught quite a lot of fish.

We spent the day at the swimming pool, reading books and trying to get sun tanned.

Relaxing at the pool

At around 4-30pm we went over to the others to prepare the huge fish BBQ. We were on cooking and spent 4,5 hours slaving away, frying wontons & calamaris & prawns, making veggie curry and rice for the vegetarians, waiting for the grill to cool down as it was too hot for the fish, doing proper baked potatoes and grilling all the fish wrapped in foil (about 25 parcels). It was so hot at the fire that the skin on our faces nearly melted away. Thank God the camping is over and there are no more cooking to do!

We were watching the SAS truck doing the 100 club - a plastic film case of beer every minute for 100 minutes without going to the loo. They were totally pissed, puking all over the place, nearly falling into the fires, collapsing on the beach and being assholes. One guy peed right outside Denise and Dave´s tent and a big dog peed right over Paul´s tent!

Tuesday, 14.05.2002: Punta Sal

We spent another boring day on the beaches of Punta Sal. The main attraction of the day was that Bridget wanted to get on the scoreboard. So she took Jason away on the beach and said afterwards she´d get a point for snogging him.

Dinner was prepared by the camping hostel people tonight and well appreciated.