Denise Prothero & Dave Cornelius

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Denise was famous for:

- Quote of the day: "I´ll better take a fucking picture of the fucking Green fucking Lake so we can fuck off home!"

Dave was famous for:

- washing his foot accidently in a soapy dish water
- beeing one of the best singers on the truck

Camping in the Pampa

Hiking to Laguna Verde

Hike to the Three Torres

Walking on Moreno Glacier

Rivers of Babylon truck dance

Great rafting trip in Pucon

Easter party - Pucon will never be the same!

Saying goodbye

Los Baños are playing for Helen 'Cumpleaños feliz!'

Blind Date

Trucks going wild

La Paz city tour

Great evening with lots of dances

On top of Dead Womans Pass - waiting and celebrating

Hail and Helen´s commentary about the road block

Chan Chan ruins in Huanchaco

Bike ride with lots of action

Visiting an Indian village

Toga party games

Thanks Prue and Darrell for the fantastic trip!

Camping in Torres del Paine National Park

St. Patrick's Day party - Truck dance

Snowball fight

Lunch at a wasp nest

Hiking Villarica volcano

Dressing up for the Easter party

Lunch at the famous Hacienda del Linguas vineyard

Lots of balloons for Helen on the truck

Helen´s birthday cake

Funny poem for Helen

Helen´s excellent mining tour video

Walk on Amantani Island

Breakfast at KM 82 and Wayllabamba camp

Machu Picchu

Quick stop at the Maria Reiche watchtower

Panama Hat factory in Cuenca

Denise´s birthday party

Ode to Prue

Final 'Beautiful Day' and champagne on the truck