Estelle Plantier

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Estelle was famous for:

- bying two left hand gloves in Ushuaia
- kicking all the guys

At the waterfall and on the boat

Getting saddled

Piranha fishing video

Samba night performances

Camping in the Pampa

Hike in Ushuaia National Park

St. Patrick's Day party - Truck dance

Lunch at a wasp nest

Hiking Villarica volcano

Dressing up for the Easter party

Lunch at the famous Hacienda del Linguas vineyard

Saying goodbye

Bumpy drive through swampland

Lots of wildlife on truck safari

Kirsten´s birthday party

Long drives through the Pampa

Balloon fight on the truck

Hiking to Laguna Verde

Walking on Moreno Glacier

Rivers of Babylon truck dance

Great rafting trip in Pucon

Easter party - Pucon will never be the same!

Prue's speech about everyone on the trip