08.03. - 09.03.2002: Argentinian Pampa

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Friday, 08.03.2002: Buenos Aires - Bush camp (720km south of BA)

We were supposed to leave at 6-30am but the truck didn´t arrive till 6-40am which was good for Graham and Jason who obviously had too many farewell drinks and had to be fetched out of their rooms by Val at 6-25. Their bags weren´t packed yet and Paul and Val managed to stuff everything into their backpacks. Well done! We finally left at 7-15am.

We had all the new people on board and as I still had a key to the truck, we'd already got on to reserve the best front seats for all the oldies!! I really don't know how we managed to get everyone and all their stuff onto the truck!! Plus I was no longer a packer - Hurrah!!!

The next 5 days were basically transit days through the Argentine Pampa, the agricultural heart of Argentina, with extremely boring, flat landscape that just goes for miles and miles.

Long drives through the Pampa

Our new leader Prue was excellent! She had rearranged the food lockers and everything fit in well. She had done the shopping, so we had a great first lunch with lots of fresh stuff on the tables. She had also put up notes for the next 7 days plus a new rota with everyone involved in duties. What a difference! She also told Darrell where to stop for a proper bush pee. Trees to hide for the ladies, yeah!

Since we were heading south it got colder and colder and we had to put the fleeces on for the first time. The sun was still out and we had lots of beautiful sunrises and sunsets!

We stopped at 6-30pm and set up camp under the trees. While Darrell demonstrated to the new ones how to set up the tent, Kirsten took photos of the fantastic sunset. Afterwards the cooks prepared a superb Mexican meal with tortillas, mince, salad, guacamole and salsa and Prue told us everything about the next day.

Camping in the Pampa

Saturday, 09.03.2002: Bush camp - Puerto Madryn

We left at 7-10am (were supposed to leave at 7-30am!). On our way, we got checked by the police twice. Unfortunately we lost all our red meat the second time. It looked like the policemen were going to have it for their evening meal until Prue got out and burnt it all in a fire bin!

It was a warm and sunny day and we got to the campsite of Puerto Madryn at 4-30pm. Prue ordered taxis and we all went to the supermarkets to pick up supplies since there won´t be much chance to stop in the next three days. David even bought a whole sheep!

We had a yummy BBQ that night and a hot shower afterwards.