21.03.2002: El Calafate (Moreno Glacier)

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Thursday, 21.03.2002: El Calafate (Moreno Glacier)

Got onto a local bus at 10am for the 85km drive to Moreno Glacier. We spent 2 1/2 hours at the viewpoint. Our bus had a flat tire, so another one picked us up at 2-30pm.

Moreno Glacier from the viewpoint

We heard so many really loud cracking noises but never saw the ice actually falling! Condors were circling over the ice.

We took the ferry at 3pm across the lake to go for a walk on the glacier. We walked to a waterfall first and took some photos. We just walked off when we heard a massive crack and only just managed to escape a huge wave that swept over the edge of the beach where we had just been standing to take photos!! (Needless to say we didn't see the ice falling!!!)

Moreno boat ride and big wave

It was good fun to walk on the glacier with crampons on and we took some nice shots of us in a big crack. At the end there was whisky on the rocks and chocolate biscuits waiting for us. yummy!

Walking on Moreno Glacier

We got picked up by our original bus at 7-30pm and had another flat tyre after 20 minutes. Another car turned up to lend us a jack but no spare tyre. So we had to leave a single tyre on a double axle and put that tyre on the front where the flat one was. Then we all had to squash up at the front and the bus drove very slowly. Eventually another but met us and we changed buses and got back to El Calafate at 9-30pm.