22.03. - 24.03.2002: El Chalten - Fitzroy Mountains

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Friday, 22.03.2002: El Calafate - El Chalten

Next stop was El Chalten - the first time Kumuka have been there because it's Prue´s last trip and she wanted to go. The reason for going was to see the Fitzroy mountain.

We left at 9am and managed to get through on the dirt track. We did a sweepstake on the rugby match tomorrow between England and Wales and got into El Chalten by 2pm.

Our hostel was brand new and really nice (with a little fire place in the main hall).

Unfortunately it was raining and very cloudy so we ended up having a party in a restaurant, doing the congo and our own Truck dance! It had actually started in the afternoon with tea and coffee but didn´t stop until the early morning hours. Max had a ball behind the bar and Anne-Marie ended up between the tables. Ouch! El Chalten has never seen anything like it and will probably never be the same!!!

Saturday, 23.03.2002: El Chalten

We woke up by the rain at 6-45am. Others were leaving for the glacier walk. It was raining all day and you couldn´t see the mountains at all.

Most of us went for a lunch to the YHA. Unfortunately we couldn´t see the rugby match. The walking group got trapped in the snow and couldn´t cross over to the glacier. But they did some nudy shots and had a ball.

One of the restaurants was showing a movie (Proof of Life - with Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe) and we all had dinner there afterwards.

Sunday, 24.03.2002: El Chalten - Perito Moreno

At 7-30am the truck screeched to a halt outside our hostel and Prue dashed in shouting "grab your cameras, we´re going to see the sunrise". It was a fantastic morning. The first time we got to see the fabulous Fitzroy Mountains!

Sunrise at Mt. Fitzroy

The weather was perfect and we stopped a couple of times during the day to take photos on our way to Los Alerces NP. It was a very long driving day through pampas on very bumpy roads. We passed a little storm front and had lunch at a very windy spot.

In the afternoon Prue told us we all have to pull some ones name out of a hat and then dress them up for Easter Sunday.

At 7-45pm we got to Perito Moreno - plan was to drive through and bush camp somewhere - but Prue decided to stop at a campsite. That got the big cheers but when she said we´d also be eating out that got even bigger cheers! We went into a pizzeria.