01.05. - 02.05.2002: Arequipa

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Wednesday, 01.05.2002: Chivay - Colca Canyon - Arequipa

We got to Arequipa, the 3rd largest city in Peru, at 4pm and dropped our stuff of at a very nice hotel with swimming pool, restaurant and cable TV in all the rooms. We visited the cathedral, which was being repaired after last years earthquake and went for a great Chinese meal. Back at the hotel we took the drinks into our room and enjoyed watching the TV for the rest of the night.

Thursday, 02.05.2002: Arequipa

After a well deserved lie-in we visited the Santa Catalina Convent which is like a walled city. Apparently the Pope had heard about all the wild parties being had by all the nuns their who were all daughters from rich families who paid a dowry to stay there and sent a strict nun to sort them out in 1871!! There are now only 30 nuns living there and none of them are from rich families!

Then we went to see Juanita the 12/13 year old mummy of a girl sacrificed by the Incas about 500 years ago and was discovered in 1995. The neighbouring volcano had erupted and melted her icy grave and she was discovered 3 weeks later. We also went to see a couple of Colonial buildings that had been restored by their current owners.