Lisa & Peter Leighton

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Lisa was famous for:

- getting sunburned on her legs and back on Lake Titicaca

Peter was famous for:

- going skinny dipping at Punta Sal and getting the clothes nicked!
- being the only Gringo playing football with the jungle kids in the heat
- being always ready for a moonie!

Saying goodbye

Spanish lessons and Valle de la Luna

Lots of balloons for Helen on the truck

Helen´s birthday cake

Trucks going wild

La Paz city tour

Helen teaching Quechua

Great evening with lots of dances

Fantastic camp site on Day 3

Hail and Helen´s commentary about the road block

Chan Chan ruins in Huanchaco

Bike ride with lots of action

Denise´s birthday party

Ode to Prue

Final 'Beautiful Day' and champagne on the truck


Going up to the Bolivian Border

Los Baños are playing for Helen 'Cumpleaños feliz!'

Salt hotel and lunch on the Salar de Uyuni

Helen´s excellent mining tour video

Visiting the Uros on their reed islands

Walk on Amantani Island

Breakfast at KM 82 and Wayllabamba camp

Machu Picchu

Walk on the beach of Cathedral Rock

Panama Hat factory in Cuenca

Climbing waterfalls and getting really drenched

Visiting an Indian village

Toga party games

Thanks Prue and Darrell for the fantastic trip!