Vicky Jack & Richard

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Vicky was famous for:

- teachig us how to count to five in Turkish

Richard was famous for:

- getting engaged with Vicky in La Paz
- being a great showmaster


Los Baños are playing for Helen 'Cumpleaños feliz!'

Blind Date

Trucks going wild

Walk on Amantani Island

On top of Dead Womans Pass - waiting and celebrating

Denise´s birthday party

Ode to Prue

Final 'Beautiful Day' and champagne on the truck

Handing out balloons to the locals

Helen´s birthday cake

Funny poem for Helen

Visiting the Uros on their reed islands

Breakfast at KM 82 and Wayllabamba camp

Machu Picchu

Visiting an Indian village

Toga party games

Thanks Prue and Darrell for the fantastic trip!