List of reports

01. Report from 08.08. - 26.10.2015
Paraiso Suizo (Uruguay) - Helen meets Steffen and family for the handover of Winnietwo. Bush fire in Paraisso Suizo. Kirsten finally arrives in October.

02. Report from 27. - 29.10.2015
Montevideo - Colonia de Sacramento - Sightseeing in the beautiful colonial town of Colonia de Sacramento. Buquebus ferry to Buenos Aires.

03. Report from 30.10. - 06.11.2015
Buenos Aires - Shopping trips for Winnietwo. Meeting with Janette - finally! Sightseeing in Buenos Aires.

04. Report from 07. - 09.11.2015
San Antonio de Areco - Largest Gaucho festival in Argentina. Kirsten suffers from a virus infection.

05. Report from 10. - 17.11.2015
Azul - Monte Hermoso - Pedro Luro - Balneario El Cóndor - Kirsten looks like a chipmonk. Atlantic coast with beautifull free camp spots. Largest Patagonian burrowing parrot colonie in the world.

06. Report from 18. - 30.11.2015
Puerto Madryn - Playa El Doradillo - Playa Las Canteras - Superb whale watching in Golfo Nuevo.

07. Report from 01.- 08.12.2015
Puerto Madryn - Dique Florentina Ameghino - Gaimán - Playa Isla Escondida - Expensive oil change. Pike and dam in Florentina Ameghino. Yummy cakes in Gaimán. Elephant seals and crabs at Playa Isla Escondida.

08. Report from 09.- 10.12.2015
Punta Tombo - Guanacos, cuis, lizards, rheas and more than 450.000 Magellanic penguins at Punta Tombo.

09. Report from 11.- 14.12.2015
Camarones - Cabo Dos Bahías - Caleta Olivia - Guanaco Mama Kirsten. Magellanic penguins at Cabo Dos Bahías. Thousands of terns near Rada Tilly.

10. Report from 15.- 19.12.2015
Puerto Deseado - Isla Pingüino - Sea lions near Caleta Olivia. Fantastic boat trip to Isla Pingüino. 20km hike along Río Deseado.

11. Report from 20.- 31.12.2015
Cabo Curioso - PN Monte León - Rio Gallegos - Laguna Azul - Tierra del Fuego - Puma at Monte León National Park. Christmas at Laguna Azul. Ferry across the Magellan Strait. 100km rough gravel road through Chile. New Years Eve in Tolhuin.

12. Report from 01.01.- 12.02.2016
Ushuaia - Tierra del Fuego National Park - Laguna Esmeralda - Searching for the right Antarctica Trip. Hiking at Matial Glacier, Laguna Esmeralda and Tierra del Fuego National Park.

13. Report from 13.- 14.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 1 and 2: Ushaia - Beagle Channel - Day at sea - Embarkation. Security drill. Leaving Ushuaia. Sailing in Beagle Channel. Wellington boots. Talks about the Falkland Islands. Albatross and petrels flying around the ship.

14. Report from 15.- 16.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 3 and 4: Carcass Island - Saunders Island - Stanley (Falkland Islands) - First landings. Plenty of penguins and other birds. Black browed albatross with lots of fluffy chicks. First dives by DUI divers. Michael Fallon, the Minister of Defence visiting Stanley. Supermarket where Helen bought lots of English goodies.

15. Report from 17.- 17.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 5 and 6: open sea en route to South Georgia - Had to hoover our outer layer of clothing, back packs and camera bags. Shag Rocks and Southern Right whales. Lots of desserts and interesting talks.

16. Report from 19.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 7: Salisbury Plain - Prion Island (South Georgia) - Fanstatic weather. Glaciers. 120.000 King penguins. First leopard seal. Aggressive fur seals. Wandering albatross.

17. Report from 20.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 8: Stromness Bay - Grytviken (South Georgia) - 2km hike to Shackleton's waterfall. Cute blonde seals. Visiting the old whaling station in Grytviken. Ernest Shackleton's grave. BBQ and disco night on board.

18. Report from 21. - 24.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Days 9, 10, 11 and 12: Godthul Bay - Ocean Harbour - Drygalski Fjord (South Georgia) - en route to South Sandwich Islands - 6km hike at Godthul Bay. Beautiful rainbow. Very windy landing at Ocean Harbour. Hanging glaciers at Drygalski Fjord. Huge iceberg. Jumping humpback whales. Three Blue whales. Chinstrap penguins next to the Plancius. Bad weather at the South Sandwich Islands. Landings are postponed.

19. Report from 25.02.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 13: Saunders Island (South Sandwich Islands) - Kirsten celebrates her 50th birthday! Superb and very adventurous landing on the South Sandwich Islands. Our first Macaroni penguins. Finn and humpback whales. Birthday cake for all of us!

20. Report from 26. - 29.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Days 14, 15, 16 and 17: Humpback soup - Shingle Cove on Coronation Island (South Orkney Islands) - Cape Lookout on Elephant Island (South Shetland Islands) - Humpback soup with over 250 whales. Funny auction with Ali and Christian. Snowball fight and lots of seals on the South Orkneys. Zodiac cruise along Iceberg Bay. Zodiac cruise at Cape Lookout on Elephant Island.

21. Report from 01.03.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 18: Gourdin Island and Brown Bluff (Antarctic Continent) - Zodiac rides in the fog. Our first Adélie penguins and Weddell seal. Snowy sheathbill feeding the chick. The divers had a great time with a leopard seal underwater. We step on the Seventh Continent at Brown Bluff. Penguins playing with our red flags and falling over the zodiac ropes. Disco night.

22. Report from 02.03.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Day 19: Hope Bay (Antarctic Continent) and Paulet Island - Wonderful icebergs and ice formations. Hike up to the top of a hill for breathtaking views of glaciers, icebergs and the Plancius in the bay. 45 minute cruise around the icebergs. Crabeater seals for the first time. Orca and Minke whale soup! Blue-eyed shags and Weddell seals on Paulet Island. Spectacular sunset.

23. Report from 03.-08.03.2016
Antarctic Cruise - Days 20, 21, 22 und 23: Half Moon Island (South Shetland Islands) - Drake Passage - Beagle Channel - Ushuaia - Hike and Camara Station at our last landing. Smooth ride through the famous Drake Passage. Plancius Pub Quiz. Dusky dolphins in the Beagle Channel. Captain's Cocktails and goodbyes. Back in Winnietwo.

24. Report from 09. - 21.03.2016
Tolhuin - San Gregorio - Punta Arenas - Puerto Natales - Cueva del Milodón - Photo stopp at historic San Gregorio. Shopping in Punta Arenas. Monumento del Viento (Wind monument). Giant caves at Cueva del Milodón.

25. Report from 22.03. - 01.04.2016
Torres del Paine National Park - Battling against the strong winds. Wonderful hikes. Fantastic sunrises and sunsets.

26. Report from 02. - 07.04.2016
El Calafate - Perito Moreno Gletscher - Door-Surfing á la Kirsten! Fantastic day at Perito Moreno Gletscher. Winnietwo in the garage.

27. Report from 08. - 13.04.2016
El Chaltén - Mt. Fitz Roy - Lago Cardiel - Fantastic sunrises and sunsets. Great weather, beautiful fall colours and spectacular hikes around Mt. Fitz Roy. Lots of condors.

28. Report from 14. - 20.04.2016
Cueva de las Manos - Perito Moreno - Los Antiguos - Sudden snowfall. Impressive rock art at Cueva de las Manos. Desperate searching for propane gas.

29. Report from 21.04. - 10.05.2016
Carretera Austral - Endless gravel road stretches on the Carretera Austral. Beautiful reflections. Amazing blue Río Baker. Fantastic boat trip to Capilla de Mármol. Lots of road constructions in the rain forest. Glaciers and volcanoes. Pumalín Park.

30. Report from 11. - 30.05.2016
Lago Muster - Sarmiento - El Bolsón - Petrified trees at Bosque Petrificado José Ormachea near Sarmiento. Getting Winniewo ready for the storage in El Bolsón. Long way home to Canada.

31. Report from 17.11. - 02.12.2016
El Bolsón - San Carlos de Bariloche - Lago Villarino - Back in Argentina. Repairs and improvements for Winnietwo. Shopping in San Carlos de Bariloche. Dusty gravel roads again.

32. Report from 03. - 11.12.2016
San Martín de Los Andes - Parque Nacional Lanín - Laguna Blanca - Caviahue - Great hikes at volcano Lanín. On Ruta 40 going north. Waterfalls in Caviahue and a very active volcano Copahue.

33. Report from 12. - 24.12.2016
Ruta 40 - Cañon del Atuel - Mendoza - Lots of gauchos and animals on Ruta 40. Fantastic rock formations and camp spot in Cañon del Atuel. Winnietwo needs new bearings. Helen goes to the dentist for a filling. Very hot Christmas!

34. Report from 25. - 30.12.2016
Paso del Agua Negra - Valle del Elqui - Vicuña - Puclaro Dam - Spectacular drive over Paso del Agua Negra Pass (4,765m). Problems with the heater. Valle del Elqui. Problems with gears. Pisco factory Pisqueria Aba.

35. Report from 31.12.2016 - 08.01.2017
La Serena - Andacollo - Valle del Encanto - Tongoy - Guanaqueros - La Serena - New Years Eve with fireworks on the beach in La Serena. Basilica in Andacollo. Pictograms and other rock art at Monumento Arqueológico Valle del Encanto. Beach days in Tongoy and Guanaqueros.

36. Report from 09. - 11.01.2017
Vallenar - on the way to Paso de San Francisco - El Salvador - Lots of expensive tolls on the Panamerican Highway. Great road towards Paso de San Francisco! Fantastic drive through the Atacama desert. Migraine or altitude sickness? Bad gravel stretch forces us to turn around before we get to Laguna Verde. Lunch at the Salar de Maricunga - a large salt lake. 1000m drop through a canyon. Schocking Potrerillos. Rotisserie chicken in El Salvador.

37. Report from 12. - 17.01.2017
Playa Cifuncho - Taltal - Winnietwo meets Winnie on the Panamerican Highway. Bird Watching at Playa Cifuncho.

38. Report from 18.01. - 14.02.2017
Antofagasta - Paranal Observatory - Taltal - Caleta Cifuncho - Antofagasta - Sad news for Helen from England. La Portada in Antofagasta. Fantastic tour at Paranal Observatory. Waiting for Helen at Playa Cifuncho.

39. Report from 15. - 25.02.2017
Mano Del Desierto - Paranal Observatory - Punta Angamos - Mejillones - Tocopilla - Iquique - Kirsten has to answer to the police again in Antofagasta. Earthquake at the Atacama hand. Second visit to the Paranal Observatory. Help amongst overlander: Arsen solves our break problem. Quick checkup at a garage in Antofagasta. Tough drive to Punta Angamos. Millions of dead sardines in the water at Mejillones. Short visit to Iquique and the Zona Franca.

40. Report from 25.2. - 28.02.2017
Santa Laura - El Gigante de Tarapacá - Presencias Tutelares - Cuevas de Anzota - Arica - Kirsten celebrates her birthday in the ruins of Santa Laura. El Gigante de Atacama - at 86m high it's the biggest archaeological representation of a human in the world. Presencias Tutelares - stone statues in the desert. Caves, crabs and lizards at Cuevas de Anzota. Surfer in Arica.

41. Report from 01. - 03.03.2017
Valle de Azapa - Mirador Pucará de Copaquilla - Socoroma - Putre - Lago Chungará - Caleta Camarones - Fog and rain on the way to Putre. Carnival week in Socoroma and Putre. Vicuñas and vizcachas above 4.600m. Alternative route back to Arica. Crashing waves in Caleta Camarones.

42. Report from 04. - 10.03.20
Tiliviche Geoglyphs - Geoglyphos de Pintados - Calama - Valle de Acroiris - Yerba Buena Petroglyphs - San Pedro de Atacama - Going south again with lots of music. Petroglyphs everywhere. Old minig cemetery with German graves. The free tour to the largest open copper mine in the world is temporarily cancelled. Rough drive towards the Valle de Arcoiris. Wonderful hike into the colourful canyon. Kirsten has a new friend - a donkey! Llamas having a dust bath in front of Winnietwo. Sunsets over Valle de la Luna and San Pedro de Atacama.

43. Report from 11. - 13.03.2017
ALMA - Paso Sico - Toconao - Fantastic free tour to ALMA. Daytrip to Laguna Aguas Caliente and the red rocks (Piedras Rojas). Amazing scenery but the gravel road nearly killed us! Old church in Toconao.

44. Report from 14. - 17.03.2017
Paso Jama - Salinas Grandes - Purmamarca - Maimará - Uquía - Relaxing but very long drive over Paso Jama. We even see the 66 ALMA telescopes on the way. Salt factories at Salinas Grandes. Rain. Cerro de Siete Colores - a very colourful mountain in Purmamarca. Beautiful drive through the Quebrada de Humahuaca.

45. Report from 18. - 23.03.2017
Humahuaca - Iruya - Adventurous bus ride to Iruya. Almost hit by lightning strike.

46. Report from 24. - 28.03.2017
San Salvador de Jujuy - Ruta Nacional 9 - Salta - San Antonio de Los Cobres - La Polvorilla Viaducto - Salta - Ruta Nacional 9: the most narrow tarmac road we've ever been on. 1000 police officers practice marching in Salta. Beautiful churches and buildings in Salta. Fantastic rock formations along Ruta Nacional 51. We manage to see the Tren de las Nubes. Winnietwo under the La Polvorilla Viaduct.

47. Report from 29.03. - 04.04.2017
Quebrada de las Conchas - Cafayate - Museo Pachamama in Amaicha Del Valle - Fiambalá - Paso San Francisco - Beautiful canyon with lots of amazing rock formations. Kirsten needs help. Interesting Pachamama Museum. Paso San Francisco from the Argentinian side.

48. Report from 05. - 08.04.2017
PN Ischigualasto - RN 150 - Difunta Correa in Vallecito - Talampaya National Park way too expensive! Lots of condors feeding on dead cow. Nasty tour guide at Ischigualasto National Park. Heavy sandstorm on Ruta 40. Unimpressive Difunta Correa.

49. Report from 09. - 13.04.2017
Potrerillos Reservoir - Puente Del Inca - Parque Provincial Aconcagua - Paso Cristo Redentor - Hotel Portillo at Laguna Del Inca - Snow covered mountains west of Mendoza. Helen's birthday celebrated at Aconcagua. 3.5 hours to get across the border.

50. Report from 14. - 19.04.2017
Putaendo - Punta Pite - Playa Ritoque - Viña Del Mar - Valparaíso - Fresh strawberries. Lots of Murals in Valparaíso.

51. Report from 20. - 24.04.2017
El Tabo - Humedal Laguna de Cartagena - San Antonio - Playa Marbella - Lago Rapel Dam - Pichilemu - Punta de Lobos - Laguna de Cáhuil - Bucalemu - Clutch pedal problem. Surfer showing off their skills.

52. Report from 25. - 28.04.2017
Puerto de Magullines - Constitución - Paso Maule/Pehuenche - Talca - Longavi - Unusual fishing port. Rock formations.

53. Report from 29.04. - 08.05.2017
Salto del Laja - Salto de la Princesa - Reserva Nacional Malalcahuello - Temuco - Villarica - Pucón - Lago Calafquen - Panguipulli - Valdivia - Niebla - Puerto Varas - Lots of waterfalls and volcanoes. New tyres. Sea lions in Valdivia.

54. Report from 09. - 14.05.2017
Isla Grande de Chiloé - Wooden churches. Houses on stilts. Sunsets.

55. Report from 15.05. - 01.06.2017
Puerto Montt - Puerto Octay - Paso Cardenal Antonio Samoré - El Bolsón - Santiago de Chile - Canada - New shock absorbers and a steering track rod for Winnietwo. Snow on the pass over to Bariloche. Freezing nights and frost. Winnietwo goes into storage. Busses and flights to Canada.

56. Report from 24.10. - 06.11.2017
Canada - Santiago de Chile - El Bolsón - We spend four days in an apartement in Santiago de Chile to do some sightseeing.

57. Report from 07. - 21.11.2017
Lago Puelo - Piedra Parada - Cajón Del Azul - Visiting Hans-Uwe and Maria Luisa in Lago Puelo. Hans-Uwe cooks German cuisine for us. Yummy! Great hikes. Dusty drive on RN12 to Piedra Parada. Hiking through the caldera and a narrow canyon. Small repairs for Winnietwo.

58. Report from 22.11. - 05.12.2017
Río Limay - Neuquén - PN Lihué Calel - PN Quebrada Del Condorito - Winnietwo's alternator needs to be repaired. Great hike at PN Lihué Calel. Floods on our way north. Lots of condors.

59. Report from 06. - 12.12.2017
Córdoba - Resistencia - Sightseeing in Córdoba. Free camping at a factory where motor homes are built. Corrupt police. Resistencia - "City of Sculptures". More back pain for Helen.

60. Report from 13. - 22.12.2017
Asunción - Whoa, it's so hot here (over 40°C)! Heavy thunderstorms with lots of rain. German food everywhere. Rough bus rides. Sightseeing in Asunción. Dentist appointment. Helen goes to the chiropractor. New equipment for Winnietwo.

61. Report from 23.12. - 28.01.2018
Hasta La Pasta near Altos - Christmas and New Years Eve parties. Pizza, Pasta, BBQ ... Yummy! Fitness by the pool. Saturday market. Pasta production. Movie nights. Poisonous animals and others. Amazing cacti flowers.

62. Report from 16. - 17.01.2018
Yaguarón - Sapucai - Ita Kua - Caacupé - Day trips with Claudia, Uwe, Mia and Regula. Miracle for Helen. Kirsten steps on a double headed worm lizard.

63. Report from 29.01. - 09.02.2018
Asunción - Kirsten at the dentist.

64. Report from 10.02. - 08.03.2018
Hasta La Pasta near Altos - Part 2 - Uwe's birthday parties. Kirsten has a bad reaction to the yellow fever injection and other health problems. Winter Olympics in South Korea - Team GB wins 5 medals - a new record! Kirsten's birthday party. Another dental appointment in Asunción. New additions to Winnietwo. Goodbye Hasta La Pasta.

65. Report from 08. - 12.03.2018
Atyrá - Monday Falls - Itaipu Dam - Tati Yupi - Casa de Retiro Villa Marianella in Atyrá. Lots of butterflies at Monday Falls. Free Itaipu Dam Night Show. Tati Yupi Biological Reserve - pure nature and a free campground for us. Over the border into Brazil.

66. Report from 13. - 15.03.2018
Foz do Iguaçu (Iguazu Falls) - Taking care of Mia for a day. Fantastic trip to Iguazu Falls on the Brazilian side. Big storm over Paudimar campground.

67. Report from 16. - 19.03.2018
Vila Velha - Curitiba - Beautiful sandstone formations in the Vila Velha State Park. Oscar Niemeyer Museum, historical centre and Botanical Gardens.

68. Report from 20. - 31.03.2018
Estrada Da Graciosa - Morretes - São Francisco Do Sul - Praia Do Forte Marechal Luz - Corupá - Rota Das Cachoeiras - Helen at the dentist. Fog on the famous cobblestone road. Colonial towns. Relaxing on the beach. Winnietwo needs a new starter battery. Wrenched thumb. Large cloister. Thunderstorm during our waterfall hike.

69. Report from 01. - 09.04.2018
Pomerode - Easter and Antique Car Show.

70. Report from 10. - 14.04.2018
Pomerode - Blumenau - Gaspar - Brusque - Itajaí - Helen's birthday. Parque Vila Germânica and city centre in Blumenau. Large church in Gaspar. Familia Pelo Mundo in Brusque. Volvo Ocean Race in Itajaí - a week before the next race. Pizza Rodizio.

71. Report from 15. - 21.04.2018
Ilha de Santa Catarina: Jurerê - Praia Da Joaquina - Armação - Pântano Do Sul - Ribeirão Da Ilha - Praia Dos Naufragados - Florianópolis - Fantastic beaches. Lots of tangas and tattoos! Colourful fishing villages. Steep hikes to beautiful beaches. Fish & chips for two. Empty town with lots of homeless people. Traffic jam on the highway due to accidents.

72. Report from 22. - 24.04.2018
Volvo Ocean Race in Itajaí - Balneário Camboriú - Beto Carrero World in Penha - Sailors parade and start of the next Volvo Ocean Race leg. Kirsten strokes a Capybara baby. Gondula ride for seniors. Colourful castle á la Disney World.

73. Report from 25. - 29.04.2018
Praia Da Guarda Do Embaú - Garopaba - Praia Da Ferrugem - Praia Do Rosa - Serra do Rio do Rastro - Laguna - Farol de Santa Marta - Fantastic beaches and cool surfer dudes. Spectacular mountain road Serra do Rio do Rastro including full moon and sunrise. Dolphins in Laguna.

74. Report from 29.04. - 01.05.2018
Balloon Festival in Torres - Fantastic Night Glow. Exciting and dramatic balloon competitions. 4 hour hike along the coast of Torres.

75. Report from 02. - 11.05.2018
Praia Grande - Parque Nacional de Aparados Da Serra - Canion Itaimbézinho - Canion Fortaleza - Canela - Gramado - Parque Estadual Do Caracol - Nova Petrópolis - Very bad roads. Great canyons. Over the top towns Canela and Gramado. Lots of chocolate shops.

76. Report from 16. - 25.05.2018
Porto Alegre - Rio Grande - Quaraí - Sightseeing in Porto Alegre. Royal Wedding. coastal route to Rio Grande. Road blocks in Brazil.

77. Report from 26.05. - 12.06.2018
Termas de Arapey - Bella Union - Encarnación - Missiones - Bella Vista - Ciudad Del Este - Short holiday at the thermal springs in Arapey. In transit between Uruguay and Paraguay. Jesuit missions near Encarnación. Yerba Mate factory Pajarito in Bella Vista. Cleaning and storage of Winnietwo in Ciudad Del Este.

78. Report from 07.10. - 15.11.2018
Hamburg/London - Ciudad Del Este - Independencia - Kirsten gets to Paraguay a day later than planned. Four relaxing weeks in Independencia with Claudia, Uwe and Mia. Marion's and Regula's birthday parties. Fire ant bites on Kirsten's thigh.

79. Report from 15. - 30.11.2018
Parque Nacional Ybycuí - Two wonderful relaxing weeks in a National Park with waterfalls, butterflies and snakes.

80. Report from 01. - 22.12.2018
Asunción - Parque Nacional Río Pilcomayo (Laguna Blanca) - New fitness room at Hotel Westfalia. Kirsten has the flu - even though it's over 30°C! Two days in Argentina to visit Parque Nacional Río Pilcomayo. Thousands of mosquitos and a huge thunderstorm. Winnietwo gets stuck in the mud!

81. Report from 23.12.2018 - 22.01.2019
Hasta La Pasta in Altos - A month of fun at our second home. Christmas and New Years Eve parties, coffee and cake afternoons with all the campers and fitness by the pool. Christmas present from Mia. Full moon eclipse.

82. Report from 23.01. - 18.03.2019
Asunción - Hasta La Pasta - Asunción - Winnietwo is falling apart. So much rust and the our roller mechanism for the sliding door breaks. While Winnietwo is in the garage we move into a large apartment for 2 weeks. Stressful times during Winnietwo's repairs. Huge cleaning operation afterwards. Kirsten's birthday. Back to Hasta La Pasta for some R&R. Claudi and Uwe talk about their fabulous trip to the Antarctic.

83. Report from 19.03. - 19.04.2019:
Encarnación - Barra Do Quaraí - Meseta de Artigas - Chapicuy - Nuevo Berlín - Fray Bentos - Playa Agraciada - Colonia de Sacramento - 418km drive through three countries in one day. Winnietwo needs new axle covers. Relaxing weeks on free campgrounds along Río Uruguay. Let's Dance virus hits us. Helen's got the moves! Free tour of the historic corned beef factory in Fray Bentos. Helen's birthday. Unique pencil museum near Colonia de Sacramento. Leaving Winnietwo at UY Storage.

84. Report from 02.10. - 13.11.2019
Uruguay - Paraguay (Independencia and Hasta La Pasta) - Argentinian Chaco - Paso de Jama - Arica - Floods and thunderstorms in Uruguay. Relaxing time in Independencia and Hasta La Pasta. Driving record through the hot Argentinian Chaco. Sunshine, switchbacks and salt on the Paso de Jama. Road blocks in Chile.

85. Report from 12. - 20.11.2019
Panamericana Sur in Peru - Arequipa - Ruta Del Sillar - Complicated border crossing into Peru. Fantastic sightseeing days in Arequipa - the White City with its many beautiful colonial buildings. Half day tour to the quarry to see how the white sillar blocks are being cut out from the volcanic layers. Nice slot canyon at the end of the tour.

86. Report from 21. - 24.11.2019
Puerto Inca - Ocucaje - Cerro Azul - Lima - Barranca - Pan-American Highway along the coast of Peru is not for the faint hearted. Very quiet night in Puerto Inca. Kirsten stops the traffic in her shorts and vest. Short visit of the Nazca lines. Rude awakening in Ocucaje - an excavator rips up all the trees around us. Very touristy Huacachina Oasis. Cerro Azul - a lovely fishing village and beach. Horror drive through Lima.

87. Report from 25.11. - 01.12.2019
Barranca - Pachacoto - Caraz - Laguna Parón - We leave the coast and head up into the Cordillera Blanca - the highest mountain range in the world outside of the Himalayas with 22 summits over 6000 metres. We base ourselves in the lovely town of Caraz with it's colourful local market and hire a taxi to go up to the amazing Laguna Parón.

88. Report from 02. - 07.12.2019
Cañón Del Pato - Cañón Río Tablachaca - Pallasca - Huanchaco - Three days of pure adventure! The spectacular Cañón Del Pato is only the start of it - a dangerous and thrilling drive through more than 50 dark and narrow tunnels. But for some reason this isn't adventure enough! We turn off and take lots of scary switchbacks 700m up the side of a mountain into a side valley – not knowing if we will make it back down safely the next day. Even more scary is our next death road into the Tablachaca Canyon which is also more spectacular than the Cañón del Pato. What we didn't know was that at the end of the canyon the road goes steeply up into the mountains. It is only 23km to Pallasca but the road gains 1550m in altitude just on this short stretch. The many switchbacks are super scary and the rain makes the road extremely dangerous to drive.

89. Report from 08. - 18.12.2019
Macará - Catacocha - Loja - Zamora - Parque Nacional Podocarpus - Relaxing week so we can watch the British election. Sightseeing in Loja. New battery and coolant for Winnietwo. Free and fabulous concert in Loja. Great murals in Zamora. Hike in Podocarpus National Park.

90. Report from 19. - 22.12.2019
Saraguro - Gualaceo - Sigsig - Very interesting Sunday markets in the indigenous villages near Cuenca.

91. Report from 22. - 26.12.2019
Cuenca - A super energetic dog scares the shit out of Helen. Sightseeing in Cuenca is a blast. No wonder this beautiful town was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. Even at night it's extremely photogenic. Over 660,000 lighted figures and shapes are installed all over the city. On Christmas Eve we spend 9 hours downtown to see the famous Christmas parade. It's the largest in all of Ecuador with 15,000 participants and hundreds of thousands of people along the side walks. What a great family event!

92. Report from 27.12.2019 - 01.01.2020
Cuenca - After Christmas we continue our sightseeing in Cuenca. There is so much to see. We encounter a super art gallery, get a free tour at one of the Panama hat factories and climb up to the roof of the New Cathedral. Witnessing a spiritual cleansing in the largest indoor market is rather weird. We also take the elevator up to the top of the Observation Tower to get a view of Cuenca from above. New Year's Eve we walk downtown to see the fireworks - this is by far the weirdest and fascinating New Year's event we've ever participated in.

93. Report from 02. - 05.01.2020
Biblián - Alausí - Vulkan Chimborazo - Laguna de Yambo - Amazing church built into the mountainside. Historical train ride down the Devils' Nose or Nariz del Diablo. Oldest church in Ecuador. Hiking the highest mountain on Earth.

94. Report from 06. - 09.01.2020
Cañon Río Toachi - Laguna Quilotoa - Cotopaxi Volcano - Saquisilí - Stuck in another procession. Great hike along the rim of a volcano to see the famous Laguna Quilotoa. Great views of Cotopaxi. Disappointing animal market. Long drive through Quito.

95. Report from 10. - 13.01.2020
Quito - Repairs for Winnietwo. Sightseeing in one of the most beautiful cities in South America. The most extraordinary rubbish collection and removal system we've ever seen.

96. Report from 14. - 22.01.2020
La Mitad Del Mundo (Äquator) - Piscinas Calientes De Guachala - Cayambe - Vibrating brake pedal and loud knocking noises. Fighting a large bushfire. Interesting tour at the Equator. Thermal pools.

97. Report from 22. - 26.01.2020
Lago San Pablo - Cotacachi - Ibarra - Tulcán - Beautiful murals and lake near Otavalo. Colonial town with German bakery. Another clonking sound from the rear of W2. Kirsten's disaster morning. Tyre problems - we could have died. Most beautiful cemetery in the world. Across the border into Colombia.

98. Report from 27. - 30.01.2020
Ipiales - Las Lajas - CO25 - Chachagüí - Problems finding car insurance. Fantastic church built into a canyon. Exhausting driving in Colombia.

99. Report from 31.01. - 02.02.2020
Popayán - Free Walking Tour in the White City of Colombia. Yummy food and interesting drinks.

100. Report from 03. - 05.02.2020
Silvia - Fantastic days on the best campground in Colombia. Superb indigenous market. Beautiful murals in Silvia.

101. Report from 06. - 09.02.2020
Cali - Finca Alejandría - San Cipriano - Repairs for Winnietwo in Cali. Bird paradise with hundreds of hummingbirds and even a breeding pair of Quetzals. Colombia's Ruta Cuarenta is quite adventurous!

102. Report from 09. - 11.02.2020
San Cipriano - Lago Calima - Witches ride through the jungle. Amazing nature reserve in San Cipriano. Kitesurfer on Lago Calima.

103. Report from 12. - 17.02.2020
Buga - Salento - Valle del Cocora - Guerilla group called ELN attack vehicles in Colombia. Day trip to see the tallest wax palms in the world.

104. Report from 17. - 23.02.2020
Medellín - The waterpump is leaking like crazy and Winnietwo has to be towed. Cable car ride into the slums of Medellín. Comuna 13 - once the most dangerous neighbourhood in the world - is a real tourist attraction today. Helen at her best: amazing how this woman can move her hips!

105. Report from 24. - 28.02.2020
Santa Fe de Antioquia - Puente Colgante De Occidente - Volcán de Lodo - Montería - Kirsten's birthday is a total washout but has its moments! It's followed by a once in a lifetime experience - a "bath" in a mud volcano. The exhaust falls off.

106. Report from 29.02. - 02.03.2020
Cartagena - Sightseeing in the heat. Meeting Janette for the second time.

107. Report from 03. - 06.03.2020
Puerto Velero - Barranquilla - Santa Marta - Relaxing day on the beach. Colourful historical city centre. Fantastic caribbean beaches in Northern Colombia.

108. Report from 07. - 14.03.2020
Santa Cruz de Mompóx - Girón - Piedecuesta - Super hot World Heritage Site. Corona is getting closer and closer, so we head back south and into the cooler mountains.

109. Report from 15. - 16.03.2020
Barichara - Our last two days of freedom!

110. Report from 17.03. - 12.08.2020
Barichara - Corona lockdown at Guaimaro campground.

111. Report from 13.08.2020 - 30.06.2021
Barichara - We move into a house and are still in Colombia - already for 18 months and leaving the country by land is still not possible.

112. Report from 15. - 27.01.2022
Guaduas - Honda - Armero - Cali - Silvia - Ipiales - Ibarra - We drive 1500km to the border with Ecuador. Beautiful colonial towns along the way. The ghost town of Armero which got destroyed by a volcano eruption in 1985. Driving over the mountains in Colombia is not for the faint-hearted. Night market in Cali. Relaxing days at Finca Bonanza. Our first PCR test ever. Deportation from Colombia.

113. Report from 28.01. - 08.02.2022
Ibarra - Otavalo - Papallacta - Peña Pivico - Baeza - Hiking around Laguna de Yahuarcocha. Helen is run over by an unmanned car! Yummy bizcochos. Over the mountains to some thermal pools. Rain, rain and lots of rain.

114. Report from 09. - 11.02.2022
Amarun Falls - Aguaventura - In the small village of Sumaco you can find one of those little gems of the Amazon region - the Amarun Pakcha waterfalls. Just 30km further down the road is another great place to go for a swim - el Centro Ecoturistico Aguaventura - where we are also close-up and personal with a group of Black-mantled tamarin monkeys and a large tarantula.

115. Report from 12. - 13.02.2022
Cuyabeno Reserve - Jungle Tour - We are on a 30 hour tour into the jungle in the northeast of Ecuador and are amazed by the unique nature here. Our tour is packed with adventures, activities and wildlife sightings including giant otters, monkeys, caimans, Amazon river dolphins, toucans and other birds, giant tarantulas and other insects... just awesome!

116. Report from 14. - 25.02.2022
Mirador Natural Grand Cañon del Huataraco - Tena - Car ferry moving the heavy oil trucks across the Río Aguarico. Back to our little paradise - Aguaventura. Disaster strikes: Kirsten gets bitten by a dog and needs stitches afterwards. 8 nights at a lovely campground in the cloud forest so Kirsten can recover. Kirsten's birthday in Tena.

117. Report from 26.02. - 04.03.2022
Grand Selva Lodge near Tena - Fantastic week in the jungle near Tena with lots of interesting tours.

118. Report from 05. - 16.03.2022
Puyo - Pailón del Diablo - Baños - Ambato - Spectacular waterfall with a fantastic lightshow at night. Getting wet behind the waterfall. Touristy but really enjoyable Baños. Time to splurge!

119. Report from 17. - 21.03.2022
Macas - Sangay National Park - Adventure parks between Baños and Puyo. Loud gas station 20km south of Macas. Beautiful drive through Sangay National Park. Long and rainy driving day to Quito.

120. Report from 22. - 26.03.2022
Mindo - Five hour hike to see toucans and agoutis. Taking the Tarabita cable car to the Nambillo Waterfall Sanctuary and the chairlift back to Mindo. Fantastic nighttour with lots of insects, bats, a motmot and a scorpion.